What personal data do we collect and why?

With GDPR every organization, business, and dealer has a greater responsibility to control the use of personal data. You can read more at Datainspektionen

Hobbyrian is responsible for how the personal data that you send us is handled.
Your personal data is used to administrate your purchase and for marketing in the case that you signed up for newsletters, Hobbyrian will NOT give out your personal data to a third unauthorized party. Your personal data is only given to a third party according to the third point below.


Hobbyrian as a trader is obligated to make sure that your personal data is handled according to the following points. 

  • We will save your address e-mail and phone number so we can deliver your order.
  • We save your address, name e.mail, and phone number when you make a purchase in this store.
  • We give out your personal data to third parties like the shipping company for instance Postnord and to payment channels like Paypal or Billmate.
    Billmate also stores your “personnummer” if you choose to pay with them.
  • You have the right to have your personal data deleted from the system at any time (with restrictions from the Swedish bookkeeping law)
  • We save your personal data for 7 years due to Swedish book-keeping laws.
  • You have to right to file a complaint with Swedish authorities.
  • You have the right to know what kind of data is stored and from where Hobbyrian obtained the data. 

The use of cookies.

A cookie is a text file that is stored on your computer and is normally used to improve the user’s experience on the website. For instance, it is used to adapt the website to users’ choices and preferences A permanent cookie is stored on the user’s computer during a certain time and a session cookie is stored temporarily while the user is visiting the site. A session cookie is erased when you close your browser.

Hobbyrian does not use permanent cookies. We use session cookies to control if you are logged in or placed an item in the cart. Also for your use of product filters.

You can at any time remove cookie files from your computer. If don´t want cookies to be placed on your computer you can change the settings of your browser so that your browser does not accept cookies. By accepting that cookies are stored on your browser Hobbyrian considers that you have given your permission to the use of cookies from us.

If you have any questions about this contact us by using the contact button.


When a visitor leaves a comment on the website we will collect the data left in the comment field and also the user’s address and a user string is used to detect spam.

An anonymous string created from your e-mail address also called hash-value may be sent to Gravatar to determine if you are registered there. The privacy policy for Gravatar is found here https://automattic.com/privacy/.
When your comment is published your profile picture if you uploaded one, will be published together with your comment.


If If you upload any pictures to this website you should avoid uploading pictures with where the EXIF-Data includes data from GPS tracking. If you do, visitors on this website could then download and track your position data from those pictures.

Contact form and cookie files.

If you leave a comment on our website your name and e-mail can be saved in a cookie for your convenience. That means that you then don´t have to fill in those data again.
These cookie files are valid for one year.

When you have an account on this website and log in we will create a temporary cookie file to control if your browser will accept cookies. This cookie file does not contain any personally identifiable information and disappears when you close your browser.

When you log in we will also create several cookie files to save information about your login and about your choices for the layout. Cookie files about your login are valid for 2 days and your layout choices are valid for 1 year. If you make the choice “remember me” when you log in, that cookie file is valid for 2 weeks but if you log out it will disappear.

If you edit or publicize an article an extra cookie file will be saved to your computer, this cookie file contains no personal data, it only contains identification about your article or edit. This cookie file is valid for 24 hours. 

Content from other websites.

Articles on this website may contain content from other websites, like film clips, pictures, and so on. This content will work just like if the visitor is on that original website.

That means that these websites may gather information about you and trace and monitor your actions. 

If you write a comment, that comment and metadata will be saved indefinitely. 

For users that register an account, we will also save the personal data in that profile. All users can see, edit or erase their personal data at any time (username can not be changed). Administrators of this website can also see and edit this information. 

Comments made on this website will be scanned automatically to detect spam.


Sörberegvägen 17
86142 Sörberge
Phone +46709143208